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Is your business using ChatGPT the wrong way and deterring prospects?

Running a business is hard.

Trying to outsmart your competitors is exhausting. Especially with all the noise on the internet these days.

But Kudos to you for having the guts to own a business.

And you understand the importance of marketing online.

You’ve never been one for writing. And you hated studying English literature when you were in school.

You had a friend offer to do your content creation. But after a month of waiting, you told them to forget it, and you found a different solution for your marketing.

That’s when you heard about ChatGPT…

The internet talked about what a great writing tool it was for any business and how it could write blog posts, articles, and even ads.

Your writing sucks, so ChatGPT seemed the perfect solution for marketing your business online.

Businesses can use ChatGPT correctly to provide a splendid solution for those who struggle with expressing their message in writing. But, a business needs to have its own USP.

Is ChatGPT the solution to writing your content?

The next couple of lines were the response from the beast itself, OpenAI.

ChatGPT is an advanced natural language processing model created by OpenAI based on the GPT -3 architecture.

It understands natural language input and generates human-like responses in real time.

Did you catch that? Human-like responses. Not human, but human-like.

Let’s look at the definitions of human-like. Adjective. Suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things.

We have established that ChatGPT does not possess life or spirit.

It also lacks consciousness or power of motion. Not animated or lively: dull.

Creating content using ChatGPT can damage your business

We’ve all taken a peak at ChatGPT.

Come on, admit it?

And many of us, myself included, have taken it on a test drive.

I include myself here, even though I prefer not to use the platform.

But when a client asked me to build a website and write blog posts about car detailing, I cheated.

Not knowing anything about the subject, I didn’t want to appear dumb, so I cheated and used ChatGPT for guidance.

Then my client got wind of ChatGPT and thought it would solve their content creation problems.

They thought it was the answer to their prayers as neither partner liked to write content.

It can be a handy tool, but only if used properly.

You can use ChatGPT to answer simple questions to engage in complex conversations on various topics.

It understands language and can learn from its interactions with users, allowing it to improve its responses continuously.

But, ChatGPT needs to know your business’s Unique Selling Proposition when it burps up its content. And without it, your content sounds like everybody else’s in the same niche as yours.

This makes it impossible for prospects to decipher what makes you and your business unique.

And without your USP clearly stated in your content, you’ll lose yet another prospect to your competitor. Bringing you one step closer to going out of business.

ChatGPT can make you invisible to your prospects

We’ve already established from ChatGPT itself that it does not pose life or spirit. It even described itself as dull.

So how can you connect with your prospects when there is no life or emotion in the content you receive using ChatGPT?

Aren’t we emotional humans who respond to every situation with our emotions first, then logic and common sense kick in later?

I’m noticing that business owners think ChatGPT is their solution to their writing content challenge.

This is a colossal mistake; I’ve seen it firsthand on my prior client’s YouTube channel.

They typed into ChatGPT a brief description of their desired content. Then ChatGPT will spit out whatever form of content they requested.

This can be in the format of a blog post, article, or description for a product. Then they place that content, as is, into a blog post, product description, or YouTube video description, like my client did. That was a huge mistake!

Viewing their lack of understanding of how ChatGPT works, and with no changes to the content itself, was sad to see, as I know their business is struggling.

And yes, they had left the conclusion at the end of the post and completely forgotten to add a call to action to the content.

Prospects don’t read your content, they skim

With the enormous blocks of content that ChatGPT spits out, that content does not include an emotional connection or intriguing subheads. The only way to describe the content was, Boring!

Prospects are intuitive, and they notice when you don’t bother to try to connect with them on a personal level.

Guess what’s going to happen? You guessed it. They won’t even bother looking the next time you publish a post.

You’re trying to sell them something, just like everybody else on the internet, so they’ll block you out, like everyone else.

Also, the AI programs have yet to understand who your avatar is. I hope you know yours?

If you need content, learn how to use ChatGPT correctly

Providing clear and specific instructions is vital to get the best results from ChatGPT for an article.

Start by defining the topic or subject of the article and provide any relevant background information or context.

Be as detailed as possible about the article’s intended audience, tone, and style.

Specify any specific points or information you want ChatGPT to include in the content.

Once you have provided explicit instructions, give ChatGPT some time to generate a response. It may take a few attempts to get a satisfactory result, so be patient and refine your instructions.

As ChatGPT generates responses, read through them carefully and make any necessary edits or adjustments.

Remember that ChatGPT is a powerful tool that requires human input and oversight to produce high-quality content.

By providing explicit instructions and carefully reviewing the results, you can use ChatGPT to generate accurate, informative, and engaging articles.

Conclusion—Only kidding. I just wanted to see if you were still reading.

If you get it right, it’s an excellent tool for those who dislike writing

I’ve been on the internet for more years than I care to own up to. I’ve seen platforms come and go. Yes, I remember Myspace.

I’m not mocking ChatGPT; it’s a great tool to give you an outline for an article you want to write.

It’s also convenient for those who just don’t like to write.

Just don’t use the content straight out of the box. Give your article, or post a human feel and connection to your target audience.

Be as detailed as possible about the intended audience, tone, and style. And don’t forget to add emotion.

Ensure your content contains – PASPain, agitate, and solution. And not forgetting to add at the bottom of your content a call to action.

When you understand what needs to be added to the ChatGPT content. There is no reason business owner’s who dislike writing can’t use ChatGPT to create content to market to their target audience.

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